Meet...Generation 20

Brook Cinocco is the featured storyteller for the 20 to 29 age group in the upcoming Generation Circle: An Intergenerational Storytelling Event happening October 5th!

I was introduced to Brook Cinocco about a year ago when she emailed me about her interest in Nature Song and what I was creating for girls in our community. We arranged to meet in person and I was instantly blown away with her authentic and strong sense of self. 

I can’t wait to hear her story!

"Hello! My Name is Brook Cinocco. I feel honored and excited to be sharing my story this coming October. 

This fall I am filling my days snuggling my dog, knitting, taking online classes and building a tiny dry cabin with the love of my life. Living an authentic life is important to me because I believe it to be one of the most necessary steps in helping to create a better world. 

Storytelling is a deep and sacred art form having been a part of the human life for millennia as humans shared their wisdom long before the written word came to be.

I have been to many storytelling events and at the end I always feel connected, inspired and strengthened by the sharing of truth that has occurred. This will be my first experience speaking my own story in front of an audience. 

My intentions are to share a part of myself with those in attendance, to honor the experiences that have helped create who I am and to contribute what I have been through in order for others to feel less alone on their journeys. After all, we are all in this together."

Ticket's online at

Amy Rupp