Introducing...Generation Teen

Selah Judge is the featured storyteller for the teen age group in the upcoming storytelling event happening October 5th!  Ticket information below. 

"Hello! My name is Selah Judge and I am seventeen years old.

I am currently a senior at King Tech High School and am studying entrepreneurship and enterprise. I have been going to trade school since I was in my sophomore year of high school and it has been one of the biggest things that has shaped my life. 

This past summer I was a tour guide on the Alaska Railroad. It was an amazing experience being able to experience Alaska everyday with people who had never seen it before. I also spent lots of time with friends and family and trying to explore my beautiful state as much as possible. 

Historically storytelling was the only way to have history. That is not the case today but nonetheless it is an extremely fulfilling way to share our lives with each other.

I learned almost completely from storytelling as an adolescent and transitioning from that into “ regular” school was a challenge. I excelled, but always knew I preferred learning from stories that were either made up, or from people’s actual life. 

I am extremely honored to be a part of this event. I believe the idea of living an Authentic Life is important because if you’re not authentic, if you’re not yourself, then what you say and do has no meaning to anyone around you. I truly believe that when you are being your truest and best self, it makes everyone else around you their truest and best selves. 

Thank You for attending this event. I hope it is a rewarding and eye opening experience for you."

Ticket's sold only online at

Amy Rupp