Camp Core Routine: Morning Circle

After the outward energy of arrival, circle is an opportunity to connect with each other and build excitement for the day ahead. There are typically three parts to our daily circle: sharing gratitude, nature games and the introduction of our daily provocation(s). 

Gratitude: We open our circle each morning with a daily gratitude practice to help us awaken to our surroundings and deepen our relationship with nature and one another.

Nature Games: There are many wonderful games and activities that can be used to expand our connection to nature and ourselves. Games are used to introduce core routines, build independence, sensory awareness, and knowledge of primitive skills and are used to learn about the animals, plants and landscapes around us. Best of all...they are fun!!


Provocations: At the end of each circle, a provocation will be offered to campers that expands on a thought, project, idea or interest. Provocations are open-ended and optional and provide an invitation for a child to explore and/or express themselves through their senses. 


An interesting photo
A nature specimen 
A question
Materials that could be used in imagination play, scientific discovery, art. etc.
A journaling opportunity
Expansion on an activity or interest from the day before

"Taking a moment to see the grace in elements of the natural word-- rain, berries, grass or the sun--deepens our relationships with each other. Thanksgiving reinforces the interdependence of all living things and their ground of being and reminds us of our kingship with nature."
Coyote's Guide to Connecting to Nature

Core Routine: Wandering

Amy Rupp