Uniquely Me -
Art and Nature Series
The Youth Art Series is coming back this summer! Together will celebrate ourselves as vibrant creative and unique souls through art, group games, nature exploration, and dialog circle.
Session One - June 7th, 8th and 9th
Session Two - June 21st, 22nd, and 23rd
Ages 9 to 12
11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Cost: $120
Min Group Size: 8
Max Grou Size: 10
Sessions are a starting point for the development of a holistic community of youth.
Session One- Self Love
Self-love is the foundation of healthy and nurturing relationships. In the Uniquely Me Series, we will focus on self-confidence, mindset, empathy, and self-care.
Areas of Focus:
What makes me unique? What are my strengths? What do I love about life?
What is negative-self talk? What can I do when I notice that I’m caught up in a negative thought loop?
How can I see mistakes as something natural and good for me?Am I the only one that makes mistakes?
Am I the only one that feels alone or out of place at times? What are some tools for working through these thoughts and feelings?
What can I do to show self-love? How can I give space to process what I am feeling and thinking without judgment? What practices are loving and supportive?
Art Projects
We are currently in the brainstorm phase but love these ideas so far!
Epoxy Jewelry
Create a charm from locally harvested plants that serves as a token of self-love. (Ages 9+)
Art Journaling
Girls will learn about journaling as a tool of self-love. We will share different journaling methods and creating a few pages together. Girls will receive a small packet of prompts to use at home. (Ages 9+)
Session Two - Intuition and Creativity
Intuition and creativity are an important part of living an authentic life. As we get older, many of us are re-learning what it means to show our creativity and to follow our hearts. What if, at an early age we held onto our beautiful sense of knowing. In this Uniquely Me Series, we will focus on creativity, following our gut, and the importance of mindfulness and rest. Inspiration for this topic comes from Clarissa P. Estes’s book “Women Who Run With The Wolves,” Read this special story.
Areas of Focus:
What do you enjoy doing? What lights you up? How do we give attention to this and expand on it? Older Girls - What does the creative process look like? What about fear? What about mistakes?
What does following your intuition feel or look like? How do we follow or communicate these feelings/messages?
Why is a reflection and rest important in our life? Depending on age- What are simple ways to bring this into our lives?
Art Projects
More ideas to come soon!
Collage a Keepsake
We will be sharing the story Vasilisa the Brave with the girls and making driftwood “doll"s” that represent our intuition. (All Ages)