The year is not over yet! There is still more to discover! We may come to find more of our own courage, our own community, more of our own creativity than ever before! We may still come to find ourselves steeped in the most beautiful moments. 

Nature Song Collective is dedicated to helping you and your family usher in these types of moments. Ones like: 

  • Stepping into a forest clearing with excited little ones who are steps away from discovering hidden treasure!

  • Seasonal festivals that bring nature, community, and celebration into one magical space. 

  • Laughing, learning, and playing with new friends in new ways. 

  • Feeling the warmth of support and inspiration in a skillshare circle led by community elders or special guests. 

  • Cuddling up with kiddos in the candlelight to sip tea and tune into a community storytelling evening. 

If moments like these feel really special and supportive to you at this time click here to learn more about Nature Song’s newest program. 

I hope you have a beautiful day, full of sunshine, fun, and gratitude. Smell the fall in the air?! See you out there!