I will share a lovely fairy story with the kiddos and then take them on a walk to John’s Park, making houses for the fairies along the way and ending at the stream to play, explore and eat lunch.
Day Two - Build your own Fairy House
We will walk to the park to see what the fairies have left and then return to my home garden to create our own fairy house from natural materials and clay.
P.S. Please do not share these details with the kids. This camp is very much about the use of one’s imagination and sense of wonder.)
The Rose Bud Ball
There once was a little girl that loved to play in her mother’s garden with the fairies that lived there. One morning, when the little girl went out to play in the garden, she noticed that all her friends were gone. A wind fairy had come in the early morning and delivered an important message.
It was time for the fairies to leave the garden and join the other fairies and little creatures of the woods at the Rose Bud Ball. The little girl was sad when she realized that her little friends were gone but when she ran into an old gnome, he gave her hope that she would be able to find them again in the forest.
He gave her a map that would take her to the location of the ball and magical fairy powder. In exchange, he asked that the little girl create small spaces along the way for the little fairies to rest on their long journey to the ball. And thus…starts our fairy camp adventure!