February Storyteller -Generation 30

Introducing Generation 30!

Kenzie Snyderman is the featured storyteller in the upcoming February Generation Circle - An Evening of Storytelling.

“I believe in the power of words. I believe stories, especially the ones we tell ourselves are the source of our ultimate potential. And we can use them to create the life we love. I’m Kenzie my self-love vitamins include writing things, playing with artists, basking in gratitude, and dancing in the shower.” 

To connect with Kenzie (a.k.a. ) you can visit her blog, www.vatamama.com. Her blog is all about “empowering and enjoying resources, grounding rituals, parenthood, and personal growth. It is for mothers who crave balance, clarity, and authenticity. Becausing stepping into our full potential empowers those around us to do the same! 

Amy Rupp