Mother - Daughter Workshop
7:00 PM19:00

Mother - Daughter Workshop

Would you love to spend more quality one on one time with your daughter?

We will provide a gorgeous gathering full of interactive activities for you to strengthen your bond and learn about each other.

What you will both experience in this workshop:

- A special Mother & Daughter Art and Craft activity to make together and cherish forever!
- Fun and interactive activities
- Fun, laughter and most of all expanding and flourishing your beautiful relationship with each other!

Age recommended for your daughter 9 to 13 years of age.

Tickets are non-refundable- Ticket cost is for 1 x Mother & 1 x Daughter (please send us a PM if you would like to bring more daughters.)

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Communication Workshop
6:30 PM18:30

Communication Workshop

The topic of communication is VAST and something that individuals continue to learn and practice their whole lives. We want to help your child plant the seeds of positive communication early so that they can become aware that they have a choice on how they respond to a given situation. Communicating this way takes practice and in our childhood we are given many opportunities to practice. :) and Amy will reference the practice of Non-violent Communication throughout this workshop and highly recommend this communication methods be used within the home! Email us if you would like to find ways to practice and learn about the communication style as an adult.

Please message me with any questions. Pre-registration is required and there must be a minimum of eight boys or girls enrolled for this workshop to take place. 

3 hour workshop - $40 

In this workshop, we will explore the four parts of reflective communication.

The Observation- paying attention to what one is experiencing in the moment with a sense of curiosity and non-judgement. Often we move through life judging ourselves and others. Children need a lot of practice in this area and once they learn the difference between a judgment and an observation they will start to approach situations looking for creative solutions. This means not falling into victim mode and often stepping away from drama.  

Identifying Needs- All thoughts, feelings and reactions are connected to a fulfilled or unfulfilled need. When we can identify our needs we can then work towards meeting them! This includes setting boundaries or asking for what we really want. With this practice, your child can get to the root of the situation and avoid falling into emotional traps.  

 Identifying Feelings - Feelings can sometimes get in the way of getting our needs met. Sometimes we think we are angry but underneath the layers we feel vulnerable or scared. We want to help our children become emotionally aware and accepting of themselves. That means that they avoid feeling ashamed for how they feel and instead use it as a reflective tool to help them understand themselves and others better.

Making a Request- This is our opportunity to ask for what you need. Often times our friends and family are left to play guessing games. With this practice your child will learn to set boundaries, compromise, ask for something with respect and speak up for themselves. 

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