Generation - 30s
Hi, I'm Betsi. In my childhood I found my soul in the woods, communing with trees and collecting plants to dry, imagining they were medicine and magic despite an upbringing firmly rooted in a world where medicine comes from doctors and magic is fake at best and forbidden at worst. In my twenties I found my soul in the deep wilds of Alaska, feeling freedom and safety in the most remote places despite danger and evidence of my own fragility all around. In my thirties, however, it became crucial to bring this presence of self out of the woods and into every day. I had to stop blaming work or culture, etc. etc., for the growing anxiety in me. When I stopped resisting and starting examining the negative feelings swirling in my body, I found that I did not know my purpose, and this was causing me angst. I started a journey to lean into the world around me, rather than escaping it, to find my soul.
I have a passion for creating spaces and experiences where others can touch magic in themselves and transform. I lead cacao ceremonies, ecstatic dances, tea ceremonies, and personal growth workshops. I also am starting to work one-on-one with women to teach new ways of relating to themselves, others, and the world.
I still love to spend time in wild places near and far. I work as a science communicator and teach how to share science through stories. I love spending time with people who are living in their edges. My own edge right now is learning how to balance fierce self-reliance with true openness to the love and energy of others.
I am grateful and excited for this opportunity to share stories with gorgeous, powerful, growing women. See you soon! -Betsi"
Generation - 20s
Hello! My Name is Brook Cinocco. I feel honored and excited to be sharing my story this coming October.
This fall I am filling my days snuggling my dog, knitting, taking online classes and building a tiny dry cabin with the love of my life. Living an authentic life is important to me because I believe it to be one of the most necessary steps in helping to create a better world.
Storytelling is a deep and sacred art form having been a part of the human life for millennia as humans shared their wisdom long before the written word came to be.
I have been to many storytelling events and at the end I always feel connected, inspired and strengthened by the sharing of truth that has occurred. This will be my first experience speaking my own story in front of an audience.
My intentions are to share a part of myself with those in attendance, to honor the experiences that have helped create who I am and to contribute what I have been through in order for others to feel less alone on their journeys. After all, we are all in this together."
Generation - Teen
My name is Selah Judge and I am seventeen years old.
I am currently a senior at King Tech High School and am studying entrepreneurship and enterprise. I have been going to trade school since I was in my sophomore year of high school and it has been one of the biggest things that has shaped my life.
Historically storytelling was the only way to have history. That is not the case today but nonetheless it is an extremely fulfilling way to share our lives with each other.
I learned almost completely from storytelling as an adolescent and transitioning from that into “ regular” school was a challenge. I excelled, but always knew I preferred learning from stories that were either made up, or from people’s actual life.
I am extremely honored to be a part of this event. I believe the idea of living an Authentic Life is important because if you’re not authentic, if you’re not yourself, then what you say and do has no meaning to anyone around you. I truly believe that when you are being your truest and best self, it makes everyone else around you their truest and best selves.