Network of Weavers

“Connections create value. The social era will reward those organizations that realize they don’t create value all by themselves. If the industrial era was about building things, the social era is about connecting things, people, ideas.”

-Nilofer Merchant

I am interested in bringing together individuals who are makers, creators, visionaries, and rebels as an exploration on building a community of support, collaboration in the Anchorage and surrounding area.

Starting in March

This will be a 7-week experiment that I will start in March! At the end of the 7-weeks, participants will have the opportunity to decide if they would like to continue and what this will look like.

The Exploration

Much of our dominant culture is hierarchical and transactional-based and I’m curious what it would look and feel like to make a shift away from this toward something more supportive and collaborative.

I’m calling on the social change/creative types because trying new ideas with no prescribed outcomes is often a common practice for you. You are also probably already putting yourself out there and creating cool things alone or with a small group and I’m curious how this network can act as an accelerator for your work.

How am I defining Social Change Makers

I’m looking to collaborate and build relationships with individuals doing the personal work to live authentically and in alignment with their purpose. Knowing that exact purpose isn’t as important as being on the path of discovery.

These two quotes resonate in my heart:

“If the world is to be healed through human efforts, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, people whose love for this life is even greater than their fear.” Joanna Macy

”You don’t need to do everything. Do what calls your heart; effective action comes from love. It is unstoppable, and it is enough.” Joanna Macy

Future Ideas

  • Twice a year, coming together for a 2-day retreat to connect, learn and have fun. Retreats would be co-created by participants through their own offerings. Retreats are meant to encourage participants to step out of their ordinary life and build a deeper relationship with one another.

  • Throughout the year, crews can come together under united interests, projects, and people.

  • Support and participate in events/projects led by those in your crew or the larger community.


Crews are the building blocks of the community. Each crew is made up of 6 to 8 individuals that come together for a shared purpose which is often project-based or relational-focused. Each crew decides independently on when and how they will meet and how long.

At the end of the cycle, individuals determine if they want to continue with their present crew, or start/join a new crew. We all have lives and get busy. So flowing in and out of participation is encouraged. (I’m also wondering if taking a summer break would be beneficial.)

Twice a year, community members are encouraged to invite one or two new members. We ask that new and old members join a 3-day retreat to develop relationships and to form new crews based on common interests and projects.

Crews focus on a variety of interests, ideas, and projects. As we continue to grow as a collective we hope to represent the diversity, passions, and creativity of those who live in our community.

What do you want to personally learn?
What community-minded activities would you enjoy participating in?
What projects are you currently perusing and would like support or collaboration with?

Exploration and ideas can range from the simple to the complex.

Why Am I Doing This?

I am extremely passionate about community building but do not have infinite amounts of time, money, and experience. I love that the micro-solidarity framework shares responsibility (overtime) so that roles are shared throughout the year. No one experiences leadership burnout and everyone can play to their strengths, energy, and time.

I’ve noticed that groups usually form around specific interests and are often made up of individuals of the same age, gender, race, social status, etc. The Micro-solidarity framework allows crews to form around varied interests and give individuals the opportunity to build diverse relationships.

On a larger level, I see relationship building as a way to bring social change. We are in a relationship crisis and I am interested in sharing my energy to create more heart-centered spaces and to support those who are doing the same on a personal or business level. It is my activism.

My hope is that you’ll join me and feel uplifted and inspired and that this feeling will ripple out into the lives that you reach.


This format comes from Richard D. Bartlett’s work who coined the term Micro Solidarity. Enspiral and its community handbook is also a wonderful resource.

Future Front - Future Front is a learning club that centers around personal, professional, and creative growth. It caught my eye about a year ago and I’d love to create something similar to those in Anchorage (as a community not necessarily a non-profit.)

If this sounds interesting and you’d like to take part, please fill out the form below. I will get back to you through email to let you know if there are spots available and when and how we will be meeting.