
Mother Nature Council

Join us and connect with others!

The power of the feminine is the openness to collaborate and learn from one another. Not one person has all of the answers.

In council, we have the opportunity to share our personal experience and help others while processing our own emotions and gleaming answers from within.

Council creates a sacred space where one can be seen for who they are and supported for who they want to become.

We open this council for women, those who identify as women and non-binary individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Creating a space that is open to different perspectives and experiences.

In addition to meeting monthly, a focus will be placed on learning, acknowledging and celebrating the transitional stages of life. This use to be a common feature of a community and is an important way of honoring life’s endless change. We need to be supported by those who have gone through a transition and gleam their wisdom and support.

Introduction to Ceremony, Ritual, Rites of Passage

Rites of Passage:  A Rite of Passage is the process that marks the transition from one phase of life to another. 

  • Is a turning point in our life when we go through key changes in our identity, behaviors, choices, or roles.

  • Some of these include: an adolescent becoming an adult, a family changing shape, a stage of life closing, navigating a crisis, who we were “before and after” a significant life event, or stepping into a new way of being.  

Ceremony: An intentional action (or set of actions), done in support of a clear intention.

  • Ceremony has a beginning, middle, and an end, (or an opening, a center, and a closing).

  • Is contained in a particular time frame

  • Generally marks one of the stages of life or change (stages of the rites of passage).

  • Includes ritual: Any act performed mindfully with a clear intention or purpose in mind. Examples: a prayer, a meditation, a morning drink ritual.

  • Purpose of ceremony:

    • To mark something—an event, transition, death, birth, etc.

    • To deepen something—an intention or commitment

    • To invite in guidance from the Unseen

    • To enact or embody something in order to make it real

      To increase and amplify the support of the collective field around an intention