Solo Wanderings

Solo Wanderings

Have you heard of this before? I’ve gone on a lot of hikes. Ones that usually have a goal to get from point A to point B. I’ve also just sat in nature and noticed all the beauty surrounding me.

Yesterday’s excursion into nature was different. I did it in part for my rites of passage training but now know why they encouraged each participant to do one!

To keep it simple (because these can be complex) I’m sharing four important aspects:

1. Enter into nature with a question or topic.

2. Let go of control and trust your yearnings. Turn off your brain and follow your curiosity or delights! Take off your shoes….climb a tree…scream…throw things….dance…walk off-trail (if it doesn’t cause harm. 😉)

3. Acknowledge the start and finish of your time through something intentional. Like a mentor told me…it’s like walking through the bookcase to the land of Narnia. Make it special.

4. Notice the signs and symbols that are being presented to you in nature. I believe that animals and plants have a lot to teach us.

Can you see the outline of the sun in the picture? It played a huge role in my wandering yesterday. I look forward to learning more and one day bringing groups and individuals out to participate in this process.

Amy Rupp