Planning Seeds

These dolls!

Today in camp I shared a story about a little girl who was given a doll by her mother who was dying. (Why do mothers always die in fairytales?) Her mother told her to feed her doll and call on it for support and answers when she needed help. (Her intuition) The story went on to share how the girl bravely met each challenge with the help of her hidden doll.

Afterward, we talked about following our gut feelings. We briefly talked about times when we might call on our intuition, like when we had the opportunity to try something new but were nervous or if we were in a situation that didn't feel right.

It was interesting that many (all but two) of the girls had not heard of following their gut/intuition and thus this story and activity planned the seeds of something really important! Which was crazy cool and something I'm still jazzed about! :)

I will be doing this same activity again with girls ages 10 to 14 if you are reading this and would like your daughter to join.

Direct Link to register:

Thursday from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. @Ocean View Park. Price is $35.

Amy Rupp