Backyard Stories is a simple idea that has the potential for creating intricate social networks within Anchorage.
The idea is to invite individuals around the city to host their neighbors, those living within a block or two of their homes, for an evening of socialization and fun. Those in attendance continue the tradition of hosting the next gathering, creating multiple opportunities for neighbors to get to know and build relationships and networks of support.
There is no prescribed way of meeting. Use our suggested ideas or make the evening unique to those who live in your neighborhood. Host the gathering in your backyard, cul-de-sac, front yard, or local park. Share stories on a suggested theme around a campfire or spend the time playing music and singing.
The simple act of inviting a few neighbors over for an evening of connection is what is important and can have a big impact on our personal and collective well-being! I’d love for you to join me!